
Image of page India

On 10 March 2024, Member States of the European Free Trade Association – Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland – and the Republic of India signed a comprehensive Trade and Economic Partnership Agreement (TEPA). Further details can be found in a Chapter by Chapter Fact sheet on the TEPA.

Key facts

Population Date of Signature of the Agreement Date of Entry Into Force Imports to EFTA States Exports from EFTA States

Information about agreement


The negotiations between EFTA and India started in 2008, 21 rounds of negotiations were needed to reach an agreement on 10 March 2024.

The EFTA-India TEPA covers the following areas; Preamble, General Provisions, Trade in Goods (incl. Rules of Origin and Trade Facilitation), Trade Remedies, SPS, TBT, Trade in Services, Investment Promotion and Cooperation, Intellectual Property, Government Procurement, Competition, Trade and Sustainable Development, Dispute Settlement, Institutional Provisions, Final Provisions.

Free Trade Agreement

Annexes and Record of Understanding


For EFTA-India trade statistics, see EFTA Trade Statistics Tool