Biological Sciences

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In the natural sciences a protocol is a predefined written procedural method in the design and implementation of experiments. Protocols are written whenever it is desirable to standardize a laboratory method to ensure successful replication of results by others in the same laboratory or by other laboratories.

Selected Resources

Focuses on rapidly developing techniques in the experimental biological and medical sciences. Supports open access.

Book series focused primarily on research methods in biochemistry.

Print volumes 1 (1955) through 475 (2010) available in the Chemistry Library (Brown Lab, room 202) - QP601 .A1 C65

Nature Methods is a forum for the publication of novel methods and significant improvements to tried-and-tested basic research techniques in the life sciences.

JoVE Video Journal This link opens in a new window

JoVE publishes the leading peer-reviewed video methods journal covering 13 subject areas. Articles consist of high-quality video demonstrations and detailed text protocols which facilitate scientific reproducibility and productivity.

Nature Protocols publishes secondary research articles which are based on published primary research papers. It covers new techniques and technologies, as well as established methods, used in all fields of the biological, chemical and clinical sciences.

Springer Nature Experiments This link opens in a new window

A research solution dedicated to protocols and methods, Experiments has been designed to help users/researchers find and evaluate relevant protocols and methods across Nature Methods, Nature Protocols and SpringerProtocols.

Online peer-reviewed protocol journal created in 2011 by a group of Stanford scientists, publishing protocols in any area of life sciences.

Areas include but are not limited to biochemistry, cancer biology, cell biology, developmental biology, immunology, microbiology, molecular biology, neuroscience, plant science, stem cell biology, and systems biology.

Online community of researchers and groups working in biology and biological engineering promoting the sharing of information around materials, protocols, resources, etc.

A database of research protocols in a variety of life science fields. It contains protocols contributed by worldwide researchers as well as links to web protocols hosted by worldwide research labs, biotech companies, personal web sites. [Last updated on July 31, 2020]