End user license agreement sign smaple

This End User Software License Agreement sets out the terms and conditions for customers using your software product.

This agreement provides alternate clauses for circumstances where the software is being conveyed to the end user by way of a sub-license with an intermediate licensee.

What does the Software License Agreement cover?

Can I customize the agreement?

Yes. This customisable agreement allows you to vary its provisions, such as the inclusion or exclusion of a limited warranty, the existence of a sub licensee, opt out language, and a designated use provision.

How do customer’s consent to the agreement?

Formal consent to the terms and conditions of the license is implied by the customer’s opening of the package, installing the software or accepting the terms online. The user can decline the license and return the unopened package or unused software to the retailer or manufacturer for a refund.

Even though generally you cannot impose a unilateral agreement, this type of license is generally binding unless the agreement is determined to be unconscionable.

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