How to Write Investment Proposals to Get Funded Every Time

Learn how to write an investment proposal that gets you funded. Our expert guide offers engaging examples and ready-to-use templates to ensure your success.

Dominika Krukowska

helped business
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Short answer

What is an investment proposal?

An investment proposal is a detailed presentation crafted to persuade potential investors by outlining a business's goals, financial projections, and growth strategies, effectively demonstrating its potential for future success and profitability.

An investment proposal will make or break your business dream

So, you've got a great business idea and you're ready to take it to investors. But here's the hard truth – investors are bombarded daily, making them quick to dismiss anything that doesn't immediately stand out.

A poorly crafted proposal doesn't just risk rejection – it threatens the very lifeline of your business idea.

But don’t worry, I'm here to help you write an investment proposal that breaks through the noise, grabs attention, and gets you funded.

Alongside expert advice, you'll find successful investment proposal examples and a set of practical templates to help you build a proposal that resonates with investors and gets them to act.

What are the main types of investment proposals?

Each type of investment proposal requires a different approach and focus. By understanding these categories, you can craft a proposal that resonates with the right investors and increases your chances of securing the funding you need.

5 main types of investment proposals:

  1. Startup investment proposals: Aimed at securing funding for new ventures, focusing on innovation, market potential, and growth strategies.
  2. Real estate investment proposals: They detail projects in property development or purchase, emphasizing location value, revenue projections, and market trends.
  3. Angel investor investment proposals: Tailored for individual investors, emphasizing personal connection, business vision, and long-term growth potential.
  4. Venture capital investment proposals: Designed for high-growth startups, stressing scalable business models, strong management teams, and significant return on investment.
  5. Equity investment proposals: They offer a share of the business in exchange for funding, detailing equity stakes, providing business valuation, and investor benefits.

What’s the difference between a business plan and an investment proposal?

The difference between a business plan and an investment proposal lies in their scope and purpose.

A business plan is a comprehensive roadmap outlining a company's business idea and growth strategy, while an investment proposal specifically targets potential investors, highlighting the business's profitability, future growth potential, and funding needs.

What to include in an investment proposal?

Putting together an investment proposal is like crafting a story where each chapter is crucial to winning over your audience – the investors. ‘Here's what you should convey to make your proposal a compelling narrative.

10 essential parts of an investment proposal:

  1. Introduction (UVP + hook): Start with a bang by presenting your Unique Value Proposition and an engaging hook that captures the essence of your business.
  2. Problem: Clearly define the specific problem or need in your market segment that your business addresses.
  3. Solution: Describe your unique solution that sets you apart and is difficult for competitors to replicate.
  4. Market size and opportunity: Paint a picture of the market size and the opportunity it presents, backing it up with data and research.
  5. Business and revenue model: Explain how your business will make money, detailing your revenue streams and business model.
  6. Traction and validation: Showcase any traction or validation your business has received, such as customer feedback, sales figures, or awards.
  7. Marketing/Growth strategy: Outline your strategy for acquiring and retaining customers, and how you plan to scale.
  8. Team (Authority & experience): Highlight the strength of your team, focusing on authority, experience, and how it contributes to your business's success.
  9. Financials: Provide a clear overview of your financials, including past and projected revenue, expenses, and profitability.
  10. Investment and use of funds: Detail the amount of investment you're seeking and how you plan to use the funds to grow your business.

Yes, it's quite a list, but each element is a key ingredient in the recipe for a successful investment proposal. Stick around, and I'll walk you through writing an investment proposal that hits all the right notes with potential investors.

How to write an investment proposal that gets you buy-in

Writing a business proposal for investors is a critical step in securing funding for your business. It's your chance to make a compelling case to potential investors about why your business is a worthy investment.

A well-crafted proposal can be the difference between securing the funds you need and missing out on a crucial opportunity. Let's dive into the key steps to create an effective investment proposal.

1) Know who you’re pitching to

Before penning down your proposal, start by researching your potential investors. Use platforms like Crunchbase or AngelList to understand their investment history, sectors of interest, and investment patterns.

Are they risk-takers or conservative? Do they prefer tech startups or are they inclined towards sustainable businesses? This knowledge will help you tailor your proposal to resonate with their specific interests and investment philosophy.

2) Balance business and emotional needs

Ever noticed how you're more drawn to products or ideas that tug at your heartstrings? That's because our decisions are often influenced by emotions, not just logic.

To create this emotional connection, dive deep into what motivates your investors. Use the "jobs to be done" methodology to frame your product as the perfect solution to their problem.

Think about the "job" your investor needs to accomplish and how your solution is the perfect "hire."

Paint a vivid picture of how your business addresses a genuine problem or enhances lives. This emotional appeal can transform your proposal from just interesting to truly compelling.

3) Create a strong executive summary

Think of the executive summary as your elevator pitch in written form.

In just a few sentences, you need to capture the essence of your business idea, the opportunity in the market, what sets you apart (your unique value proposition), and the investment you're seeking.

This section should be so engaging that investors can't help but want to read on.

4) Address the challenges your customers face

To really hit home with your proposal, you need to show that you get what your customers are going through. Are they frustrated with complicated processes, high costs, or just finding it hard to get things done?

By showing you understand these everyday headaches, you can better position your business as the ideal solution. It's about saying, "We know what you're dealing with, and here's how we can make it better."

This approach not only builds trust but also clearly demonstrates how your business can make their lives easier.

Here's a great example of a problem slide:

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5) Tell a compelling story

Imagine you're watching a movie where the main character faces a challenge you've dealt with yourself. You're instantly hooked because you relate to their struggle. That's the power of using a relatable problem in your story.

For example, if your business offers a time-saving app, start your story with the all-too-common scenario of being overwhelmed with tasks and not enough hours in the day.

Then, introduce your app as the hero that swoops in to save the day, ending with a future where time management is no longer a stressor.

This approach turns your proposal into a story that your audience can see themselves in, making your solution not just appealing, but necessary.

6) Simplify your business model explanation

The business model is crucial but can be dry. Keep this section concise, visual, and easy to understand.

Use analogies or comparisons to familiar businesses ("It's like Airbnb, but for office spaces") to make your model clear and relatable. Avoid lengthy explanations that could lose your audience's interest.

7) Showcase your early product

Before an investor reaches for their checkbook, they'll often want to see what you've got up your sleeve.

Have you ever wondered why Apple Stores let you play with all their gadgets? It's all about creating that "ownership experience." Letting potential buyers try before they buy is a powerful way to seal the deal. You can use this same approach in your pitch.

If your product is still in the design phase, you can use design tools to create prototypes or wireframes. It's a great way to showcase your product's functionality and design without needing a single line of code.

And if you're working on a physical product but aren't quite ready for production, no worries. You can hire a designer to whip up a stunning 3-D rendering. It's all about giving investors a taste of what's to come, making them excited to be part of the journey.

8) Focus on benefits, not features

Instead of detailing every feature or the cost, focus on how your product or service will improve lives, save time, or reduce stress.

For example, if your product is an app that helps with budgeting, emphasize the peace of mind and financial control it offers, not just its technical specifications. This approach helps investors see the real-life impact of your business.

Here's an example of a solution slide: